Small changes to improve your lifestyle and health
Whilst change is daunting to most of us, making adjustments to improve your lifestyle and health don't have to be drastic and at full speed. These easy steps can make a difference to your daily activity and your digestion, meaning a healthier and a happier you as a result.
Monitor your steps
Firstly start by taking note of your daily activity. Are you on your feet for most of the day? Are you in an office job, and therefore sat down during the day? An easy way to track an estimation of your steps during the day is by downloading a step counter for your phone, there are also other devices available. The guideline amount is 10,000 steps per day, and most of us struggle to achieve this on a daily basis.
If you know that you do less steps than this per day, why not add in an extra walk after work? Skip public transport for the day and walk to your meeting if it isn't too far away.
Opt to take the stairs, not the lift!
Always take the stairs! Taking the stairs over the lift or escalator will enable you to feel much more fulfilled whilst also getting those steps in too! For an additional benefit, squeeze your abdominal muscles as you go to keep your core tight.
Swap your snack!
Swap your snacks from a biscuit to a banana. We're all guilty of a little craving here and there, especially something sweet! Swapping for a healthy portion of fruit will kill your cravings, leaving you satisfied but not guilty!
Increase the fibre in your diet
Increasing the variety and amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet will improve your gut health, due to an increase in fibre. A healthier gut leads to a healthier body, brain and life! Foods such as nuts and seeds, beans, and vegetables such as broccoli or carrots contain high amounts of dietary fibre.
Be considerate of your alcohol, caffeine and sugar intake
Being considerate of your alcohol, caffeine and sugar intake will also make big differences to your general health and mood swings too. If you find it hard to cut these out straight away, then slowly reduce the amount you're consuming over time. A gradual decrease is much easier to handle and more manageable if you are finding it tough. If you are a smoker, most definitely look into quitting for health reasons.
Smile more and enjoy the process
Smile more! Even if you're faking it, smiling actually uses less facial muscles than frowning. Smiling also tricks your brain into feeling happy, lifting your mood for longer. So next time you feel down, turn that frown upside down!
Don't stress
If you are putting yourself under stress to achieve a certain look or weight goal, keep in mind that cortisol levels are raised from stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone and can lead to weight gain, memory interference, and the lowering of your immune system function. Therefore, hindering your progress and chances of improving your health. Bettering your health is a journey that never stops.
The decisions that you make daily determine your health in the long term. You must enjoy the process of taking care of your body and your health. Be sure to feel positive and satisfied about the small or large changes that you make each day. The Sculptmode tagline #youVyou is key in this process as you work on the mentality of helping yourself for yourself. The only competition is you.